Blunn Creek Natural Channel Design

Blunn Creek channel with rock wall

150 ft.


City of Austin

Halff performed 150 feet of streambank stabilization design for Blunn Creek, located upstream of Riverside Drive in an urbanized residential neighborhood of Austin. This project was an addendum to the Austin Clean Water Program’s wastewater line improvements along Riverside Drive and Alameda.​

Halff completed the design on an accelerated schedule of about four weeks from project kick-off. Halff also performed a geotechnical analysis, hydraulic analysis and topographic survey of the area. The design included a combination of an MSE wall (a combination of limestone blocks and stepped soil lifts), an RSS structure and a soil nail wall. These features worked together to properly armor the failing side slope and protect the City’s existing infrastructure. Halff used G-SLOPE software to help design the MSE and RSS structures using Tensar geogrid technology. Every effort was made to protect the existing vegetation. In instances where trees were removed, the team implemented extensive mitigation measures to restore the environmental integrity.​

Blunn Creek concrete infrastructure with stair steps
Blunn Creek channel with rock wall
Blunn Creek concrete infrastructure with stair steps
Blunn Creek channel with rock wall

Halff Services

  • Environmental
  • Flood Infrastructure Design
  • Local Infrastructure
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Planning
  • Structural Engineering
  • Surveying

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